*​ Our Repertoire List is constantly being updated with new songs. Find our most up to date list here.
** If your song request is not in our Repertoire, no worries! We arrange, find, or purchase the best arrangements to match your requests.
All non-Repertoire song requests are subject to an additional minimum fee of $30.
Ceremony Suggestions
Trumpet Voluntary - Clarke
Canon - Pachebel
Wedding March - Wagner
Air on G - Bach
Gabriel’s Oboe
A Thousand Years
Can't Help Falling in Love
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Make You Feel My Love
All of Me
Signing of Registry / Interlude
Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring - Bach
Arioso - Bach
Largo from Xerxes - Handel
Meditation from Thais - Massenet
Ave Maria - Schubert
Largo from Winter - Vivaldi
Stand By Me
What A Wonderful World
All I Ask of You
La Vie En Rose
Hornpipe - Handel
La Rejouissance - Handel
Wedding March - Mendelssohn
Rondeau - Mouret
Ode to Joy - Beethoven
Entrance of the Queen of Sheba
Marry You
Viva La Vida
Don't Stop Believin'
I'm Yours
*​ The list above features our most requested songs that work best for these moments.